Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student of Public Administration, Institute for Management and Planning Studies (IMPS), Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor Of Public Administration, Institute for Management and Planning Studies (IMPS), Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor of Public Administration, State Management Training Center, Tehran, Iran.



The quality of public services provided by the government and the country's public sector is so disappointing that the people can't continue the existing way. Considering this issue and looking at the complications of existing professions in the country such as medicine, law, and construction engineering, the upcoming research seeks to develop a framework for the professionalization of managerial jobs in the public sector of Iran.
The current research is among applied research with the philosophy of critical realism, inductive approach, and qualitative-quantitative research strategy. In this research, after studying the theoretical foundations and research background and after modifying and completing the "principles", "process" and "effective factors" for the professionalization of management jobs in the public sector of Iran by academic experts and executive elites of the country, a questionnaire with 74 questions, prepared and distributed among 607 professional managers (basic, middle and senior) of 40 public organizations.
Descriptive statistics and then one-sample t-test, exploratory factor analysis, and stepwise linear regression were performed to answer the research question. Based on the findings of the research, the stages of professionalization of jobs include "creating a full-time job", "holding school courses", "creating a university course", "establishing local and national professional associations", "passing the law on issuing professional activity licenses" and "drafting codes of Professional ethics". The principles governing this process also include "necessity of the professionalization process", "having the ideal of service", "competence", "administrative health", "ideal Islamic governance", "independence", "security" and "confidentiality of strategic information".


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