
Foster the development and enlightenment of concepts and research related to public service management in both academic and practical settings.


  1. Introduce the subject domain of public service management and public administration, highlighting their importance and scope.
  2. Identify issues about public service management and public interests and provide practical solutions.
  3. Expand the theoretical boundaries of public administration, emphasizing the concepts of public services and governance.
  4. Enhance the knowledge level of public administration researchers and students.
  5. Present new research achievements in public service management and public administration.
  6. Establish a platform for scholarly exchange of ideas in academic and executive spheres.
  7. Foster research and critical thinking incentives regarding public services, governance, and public administration theories.



This journal publishes valid articles in the following fields:

  • Public Services
  • Public Value
  • Public Service Management
  • Public Interest
  • Public Governance
  • Theories of Public Administration
  • Public service Excellence