Document Type : Original Article
1 Ph.D. student in Public Administration, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran
2 Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran
The growing trend of international competition and its combination with globalization has had significant effects on the labor market. These factors have led to the revision of employment policies and the creation of newer and more flexible forms of employment. Human resource outsourcing, as one of the newest forms of employment, has brought flexibility to the labor market by moving away from standard and traditional approaches. This research was conducted using a comparative study method. The study population was all documents related to the research topic such as (International Labor Organization policies, ILO Convention 181) and sampling was also carried out purposefully. Data collection was in the form of documents that, using the comparative study model of George Brady, studied and compared human resource outsourcing in Iran and the member states of the European Union.The findings of the study show that by comparing the situation of human resource outsourcing, not only is there a large gap between human resource outsourcing in Iran and the EU member states, but this style of employment in Iran has actually deviated from the desired situation. Therefore, deviation from the goal as the most important component is clearly evident in the application of human resource outsourcing in Iran.Accordingly, by understanding human resource outsourcing and its challenges in Iran, it is possible to use international documents and the experience of successful countries to apply the correct method of its implementation in the country.