Document Type : Original Article


PhD Graduate in Public Administration from the Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba'i University ,Tehran, Iran



Many administrative reform initiatives have explicitly made a connection between the need to reform public services, improving citizen satisfaction with public services, and maintaining or restore the public trust in government. In this regard, the measurement of citizens' satisfaction with public services shows that the public sector has increasingly placed citizens' satisfaction in the center of its attention. Since the establishment of this mechanism, a lot of research has been done in this field and we are witnessing the accumulation of knowledge in this field. Therefore, according to the previous reviews, it is necessary to conduct a meta- synthesis study as one of the meta-study methods. For this purpose, a number of 671 articles were extracted from the Scopus citation database between 1973 and 2022, and after refining them, analysis was finally performed on 32 articles. According to the results of the research, the most important antecedents of citizen satisfaction are: service delivery process, information provided about the service, customer service (face-to-face service), websites (off-site service) and general expectations. Also, the most important consequences of citizen satisfaction are: trust in the government and complaints about the service received. Based on the identified antecedents and consequences, a preliminary model of citizens' satisfaction with public services was presented.


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